Ø 産品描述Description
Aust nano coating is a new surface curing agent, which mainly used for surface spraying of working layers such as fiber module, castable, fire brick to increase the strength of the working face. The coating is liquid, non-volatile, non-toxic and tasteless, and harmless to human body. Spraying on the surface of the working layer will quickly penetrate the working layer, with the penetration thickness reaching more than 1cm. It has a certain degree of shrinkage compensation and strong resistance to wind erosion.
Ø 産品特點Product features
a) 耐溫高,耐火度在1600℃以上;High temperature resistance with a refractoriness above 1600℃;
b) 施工簡單,成本低廉;Easy construction and low cost;
c) 噴塗之後,滲透到工作層内部,與襯裡融為一體,密度由外而内連續變化,表層自身沒有厚度,整體性能基本不受收縮、膨脹的影響。(傳統産品噴塗後,通常是附于工作層表面的。)After spraying, it penetrates into the inside of the working layer and integrates with the lining. The density changes continuously from outside to inside. The surface itself has no thickness, and the overall performance is basically not affected by shrinkage and expansion. (Traditional products are usually attached to the surface of the working layer after spraying)
d) 固化面不易開裂,不易變形,不易脫落,使用壽命長;The solidified surface is not easy to crack, deform, fall off and has long service life.
Ø 典型應用Application
Suitable for strengthening the hardness of light material surface layer.